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wwright lawyer land title solutions.
Warren L. Wright has a long history of voluntary work in community at both international and municipal levels.
Warren was a co-founder of the New South Wales HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC). HALC was founded to take over the voluntary work Warren was doing for the AIDS Council of New South Wales (ACON) providing a wills and advance directives service to citizens dying from AIDS at St Vincents Hospital and the Sacred Heart Hospice.
There were no antiviral or prophylactic drugs for HIV or AIDS as there are nowadays and many young men died; oftentimes amidst the most distressing circumstances for them, their loved one and their families.
If I did not get back to the client quickly enough, he would die.
I could no longer sustain the work load or the personal stress of this work and so we incorporated HALC and got funding.
I was the second President of the NSW Hepatitis C Council. First successful funding application to NSW Health.
Warren's first employment after admission was with the New South Wales Aboriginal Legal Service in Redfern, Sydney. In later years after I returned from overseas, I spent another 8 months doing voluntary work at the ALS.
East Timor Law & Justice Bulletin
While working in East Timor with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Warren began what is now the East Timor Law & Justice Bulletin. This web site grew out of an earlier one known as the East Timor Legal Information Service the content of which is now archived in East Timor Legal News Archive.
ETLJB has been online for 12 years and has now has about 2 million page views. It is frequently referenced in the literature on East Timor.
ETLJB has been a completely individual voluntary undertaking to raise global consciousness of our close neighbour in whose liberation we lead in 1999 (INTERFET). The legacy of foreign domination in East Timor left a morass of legal problems. ETLJB has sought to focus attention on the critical legal and political issues in East Timor (preferred to be known by its government as Timor-Leste).
Warren has spent several years working on international development projects and the United Nations (paid not voluntary).
I have volunteered at the Inner City Legal Centre (ICLC) in Kings Cross.
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