wwright lawyer land title solutions.
wwright lawyer land title solutions.
Academic Background
Professional Qualifications
Countries of experience: Australia, Indonesia, East Timor, Bangladesh
Career History
July 2020 Finnish Consulting Group Oy
Osmontie 34, 00610 Helsinki, Finland Selected as Expert 2 (lawyer, international short-term expert) tender for the Timor-Leste Land Law, Land-use history and Land-use Planning Project funded by German International Development Agency (GZT)
2018 Principal Wright Law & Justice
Sole Legal Practitioner - Land Title Expert - Mortgage Default Notices Advice - General Legal Advice.
2017 Independent Legal Consultant
Employment Law, Company Title Law and Practice
2008 - 2017 Solicitor/In-house Counsel, LegalStream Pty Limited Manager Mortgage Defaults Manage the LegalStream process for the mass production of mortgage default notices on behalf of major financial institutions
Member of Team of Emergency Wardens & Workplace Health & Safety/EEO/Anti-Discrimination Manager & Trainer
2008-2009 Part-time Teacher Sydney Institute/NSW TAFE - Teach “Land Title Investigation & Analysis” course to students in the Advanced Diploma in Conveyancing; including land law theory (Land Law, Butt, P), statutes and regulations, the elucidation of both common law and statutory title, crown lands, strata & community title, indefeasibility of title and the exceptions, other interests in land such as mortgages, easements, covenants, deeds registration, priorities, the conveyancing process, contracts for the sale of land (including vendor disclosure & warranties, the cooling-off period, special conditions), LPI forms & practice, settlements; set exams and assess students.
2007 Consultant, East West Institute, New York Preparation of Bid for the Indonesian Land Law Review ProjectIdentified and recruited a team of Indonesian land law and tenure technical experts in preparation of a Proposal to the Asian Development Bank for the Indonesian Land Law Review Project, drafted proposal. Travelled to Jakarta, Den Pasar (Universitas Udayana) and Malang (Universitas Brawijaya) to meet with and recruit Indonesian professors of law, valuation experts, community liaison and information experts, as well as cadastral experts.
2006 External Evaluator European Union
Lead a team of national and international experts to monitor, evaluate and report on the Advocats sans Frontieres Access to Justice program in East Timor; investigate project operations, consult with stakeholders, assess & evaluate project efficacy, budgetary transparency, compliance with grant conditions & reporting, assessment of achievements of project objectives, failures or shortcomings in project implementation/outcomes. Formulate recommendations for future project programming. Draft and submit the External Monitoring & Evaluation Report.
2005-2006 Independent Publisher of the East Timor Law Journal, East Timor Land Studies & East Timor Law & Justice Bulletin web sites.
Authored or edited and published numerous articles on land law, land policy and land rights in East Timor. Many articles cited numerous times by other academics and researchers writing about land and other issues in East Timor.
2004 Caritas Australia External Evaluator Luta Humutuk's economic program East Timor
2002-2004 The Asia Foundation Access to Justice Program Project Manager University of San Francisco School of Law Center for Law & Global Justice, Legislative Drafting Initiative (LDI) & Community Legal Education Program
2002 Legislative Drafting Consultant The Asia Foundation/Government of East Timor BASICS (Building a Secure Investment & Commercial Structure) Project Review and redraft the East Timor foreign investment law and supporting policy document
2000 – 2002 Property Rights Adviser United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET)/United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) (UNHCS)
United Nations negotiator with the Government of Indonesia on the return of land ownership records to East Timor.
1998 Part-Time Lecturer (1 Semester) University of NSW School of Geomatics
Develop the curriculum for and teach Reform of Land Administration Systems in Developing countries to international students; set examinations, assess students.
1994-1996/1997 International Land Law Adviser Indonesian Land Administration Project Land Administration Systems Australia
Member of international team of legal, cadastral, registration & public relations advisers to the World Bank, AusAID & Government of Indonesia’s mass land registration project.
1993 Co-Founder HIV/AIDS Legal Centre https://halc.org.au/
1990 - 1993 Volunteer solicitor at AIDS Council New South Wales (ACON)
1988-2002 Senior Legal Officer NSW Land Titles Office (Land Registry Services)
Investigation of all dealings and plans referred to Legal Division ensuring compliance with the Real Property Act 1900, the Conveyancing Act 1919, regulations, common law, directions, departmental practice and any other applicable laws.
1987-1988 Solicitor NSW Aboriginal Legal Service
Provide advice to and act on behalf of indigenous clients including Local Aboriginal Land Councils in civil litigation and the conveyance of land regulated by the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
Last Updated 22 April 2021
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